
Everyday we are exposed to toxins from our environment, products we are using, and food we are consuming.  Over time these toxins can build up in our system and cause many physical and\or mental health issues.  Our organs work together to help eliminate these trapped toxins, but they are so flooded with toxins that many times our bodies need support in the detox process.

The Whole Body Cryotherapy is a great way to promote natural detoxification.  The cold causes your blood vessels to constrict.  When the nutrient-rich blood returns to the area, it is toxin-free to enrich the tissue with nutrients, oxygen, and healthy enzymes.  

Sweating in an Infrared Sauna is different from a regular sauna or a gym session because it produces heat from wavelengths that penetrate your skin.  This results in a deeper sweat.  The sweat your body produces is usually thicker because the content of the sweat is more than just water.  A study found that 15-20% of the sweat from a person in the infrared sauna was comprised of heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, uric acid and fat-soluble toxins. 

Compression offers another way to boost your body's detoxification.  The compression helps to stimulate the lymphatic system.  The compression will momentarily constrict blood flow, and when it releases you will have a rush of blood that helps to flush the body of toxins.

Our Red Light Therapy bed works on the lymphatic system to promote your body's detoxification.

The Vibration Therapy plate is another way to stimulate lymphatic drainage.  The lymph systems is our body's primary way of ridding the body of toxins.  10 minutes on the vibration plate will shake up the cells to release toxins while your lymph fluid is flowing.